
how to learn English through the story Own House

how to learn English through the story Own House

how to learn English through the story Own House
how to learn English through the story Own House

how to learn English through the story Own House once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Devipuram in that Kingdom there was a great   king named Shivaa he was a king who always stood  for what was right once in a while he would venture   out to his kingdom in disguise to see what was happening around his land he usually did that to   understand the problems and concerns that the  people of his kingdom are facing while he was   trolling his kingdom he sees an old lady named  Janaki standing out of her house King questioned   her and she replied to him why do I have such a  problematic life I am sick and tired

how to learn English through the story Own House
how to learn English through the story Own House

of living in   this way I hope God can come and take me with him  after the king listened to what the old lady said   he felt compassionate towards her he then walked  towards her to understand what she was going through   he said this to her may know what is wrong Madam  please tell me what is going on in your life and   what are your problems if you tell me I might be  able to help you get rid of all of them Janaki was   surprised to see this Ang man speaking to her

how to learn English through the story Own House

that way she was quite happy and looked at him   and said to him please come and sit next  to me but I’m not sure how you will be able to   solve my problems you seem like you have come  from a land that is far away all I have in my   life is my younger granddaughter she visits me  once in a while but very rarely when I thought   of living with my granddaughter in her husband’s  house I realized that her mother-in-law does not   like me at all therefore I

wasn’t allowed to live  with her so I spent most of my days in this tiny   Hut and worked for other people to make a living I  hope God can come fast and take me away from this   Misery after listening to everything that Janaki said the king felt very sad he looked at the old   lady and he said this to her oh no this is such  a tragedy you shouldn’t live alone at this age   of your life I know it is much difficult for you  to earn a living to stay here keep this money and

make sure that it helps you with your financial  needs the king immediately handled a bundle of   coins for the old lady as soon as he gave it he  went back to his place and a week later the king   came back to the same place in disguise to see  what is happening around at that moment he saw   the old lady I wish the Lord can come and take my  life

away I cannot live here any longer the King   was surprised to see this old lady was still very  troubled and sad even though he had given all the   money that he had at that time the king was surprised and went towards her and asked her   like this are you all right ma’am have you used  my money yet or has it gotten over already please   let me know what you are going through after  listening to what the king said Janaki takes   a deep breath and she says like this listen to me  young man what will I do with the money that you   gave me I’ve hidden the money that I have so that  I

can give it to my granddaughter when she comes   and visits me but I’m also terrified that my  money might be stolen away from me which is why   I kept it in a very safe place after listening  to what Janaki said the king laughs loudly and   he says this to her listen to me ma’am I shall  send my soldiers towards you they shall bring   you to my place and you shall live peacefully and  happily in a luxurious environment you don’t have   to worry about anything

anymore after seeing that  King walking away towards his Palace again the next   day morning some soldiers who were sent by the  king came and said to her ma’am please come   with us the king wants to see you immediately he  has ordered us to bring you to the Palace as soon   as the old lady saw the soldier she became very  afraid and she said this to soldiers what mistake   or crime have I committed and why have you come  here I think you are in the

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wrong place ma’am   you have nothing to worry about the person that  you met yesterday was none other than your king   he has ordered us to bring you in safe and sound  with respect please come with us and we shall take   you to his Palace immediately right away after  listening to what the soldiers said Janaki was   very surprised then she gets together with the  soldiers and they carry her in a special Chariot   and they take her towards the palace as soon as

Janaki reaches the palace she looks at the King The king was glad to see her he says to  her welcome ma’am it is so glad to see you from   today onwards you won’t have to struggle with anything in your life anymore all the amenities   and the luxuries that you need will be given to  you the king immediately takes ji ki to her special   room where she will stay the king had thought  that she had been through a lot therefore she will   appreciate everything

that the king is doing for  her he also believed that he would be able   to change her life after a few weeks King goes to Janaki and asks how are you ma’am I hope   you are very happy have I given everything that  you require are you happy to be in my place is   there anything else I need to give it to you after  listening to what king said Janaki was very sad   and she looked at the king and said this I have  to say that I am very pleased with what you have   given me there are no requirements for all this  luxury but I am still glad to eat at the right   time and sleep at a

very good place but I must say  I am still very worried about what is happening   in my house after listening to what she said King  was very surprised once again he didn’t understand   what to do he looked at Janek and said this what  would be there in your tiny little Hut there might   be nothing that is valuable there why are you so  concerned about that Hut is there something else   that you want after listening to what the king  said Janaki fears that if she says

anything more   the king might take offense to it so she looks at  the king and says this what I am trying to say is   that since I am here if my granddaughter wants  to visit me she would go to My Old Heart and   if she goes there she wouldn’t be able to find me, therefore, that is the only reason I wonder what is   happening in My Old Heart after listening to what  Janaki said the king calls one of his soldiers   and he says this to him and Soldier also entered  the

room listen to me I want you to go and find   out where This Woman’s granddaughter is and want  you to bring her right here after saying this to   the soldier the king looks at Janaki and says to her listen to me ma’am From now onwards   all your worries are solved your daughter will  be brought right here towards you and you would   be able to live with her for long as you possibly  can and this might solve your problems entirely   you have nothing to

worry about anymore after  seeing that King walks away from her room few   days later the soldiers bring at Janaki’s daughter  and her son to meet Janaki since Janaki hasn’t seen her granddaughter for a long while she looks at  her and she says this to her thank you so much   for coming it has been such a long time since I  have seen you may I know how your mother-in-law   is treating you nowadays the granddaughter  Laxmi couldn’t understand why her grandmother   was living such a luxurious place in the palace  without knowing what was going on Laxmi asked her

Grandmother grandma, please tell me this I don’t  understand why have you left your heart and   come all the way here to this king’s Palace the  people in this Palace treating you with so much   respect what has happened here after listening to  what Lxmi said the Janaki tells everything that   had occurred until then then Janaki and her son  decided to stay with the grandmother for a while   as they kept staying and as time kept moving on  they realized that it is quite different to stay   in a palace than a own home they felt like staying  on a land of Thrones one day Laxmi son was crying   ma’am you are granddaughter’s son is crying for a  long time crying is not allowed in this Palace as   the king

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will get upset if he hears this after  listening to what the soldiers said even Janaki started feeling afraid of the consequences of this  ordeal she was upset that they were taking the   scream of the child so seriously and acting like they  would punish her Janaki goes to her granddaughter   and she says this to her please do not go that  side please make sure that your son does not cry   when he goes towards that side after listening to  what her grandmother said Laxmi gets very upset she   then realizes that she cannot stay here anymore  and she said this to her grandmother Grandma I   cannot stay here anymore I have to leave right now  this is not a safe place for me to stay I have to   go back to my

Home Janaki understood the problems  that her granddaughter was facing so she took all   the money that she had and she gives it to her  granddaughter she says listen to me I   want you to understand that I know what you are  going through and I would like you to take this   money that I have and leave this place right  away I understand

that it is not safe for you   Laxmi takes the money and leaves immediately the palace Janaki then took everything she has and puts it in a bag she hands over it to the  granddaughter and she thought herself like this   now why to understand why this is a very bad idea  being in this place feels like being in a hell   I can’t have the freedom

that I want had I stayed  at my place in that Hut I would have had a better   life I don’t know if I should be here anymore and  I think I should go away from this place I should   have never come here Janaki goes towards the king  and stand in front of him the king looks at her   and is surprised once again what is wrong ma’am  can I help you with anything again why do you   look so upset and sad is there something going  on in your life that I need to fix please let   me know Janaki looks at king with a very sad  expression and she says this to him what can   I say about this if I

was living in my heart I  could have worked every single day and I could   have had a life where I did something productive  but being here I just feel lazy and useless it’s   almost like I have no purpose in life I just feel  like this is not what I want to do for the rest of   my life after listening to what Janaki said the  king looks at her and thinks for a while then   King understands the situation of Janaki King  then takes his decision he says this to her I   understand ma’am how difficult ult it is to not  do anything on a daily basis I will suggest you   one thing why don’t you go to the

a place where my  daughter lives in Antapuram over there you would   not be alone and you can find a way to make a  living for yourself is that a good idea ma’am   what do you say Thank you so much for your offer  even though we both have no relation towards each   other you have taken better care of me than my  son could ever I’m so grateful to be in your   blessings the fact that you want to look  after me this much shows that you are a great   king after

listening to what Janaki said the king  takes her to his daughter Tas the king looks at   his daughter and says I want you to give  small jobs for this lady and make sure that she   does everything properly as sure father I shall  do everything I can to make her feel comfortable   even though she is in a different place now she  has taken more care than she was in a previous   Palace janaki still feels a sense of being lost  as she misses her Homeland because she is

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much   far away every once in a while she would take her  key and she would keep looking at it the King’s   Daughter notices what Janaki is doing and asks her like this Grandma may I please understand   what you are going through since you have come  to this place you always seem sad and lonely   you always pick up the key and you keep staring  at it is this place not up to your satisfaction   may I know what you are feeling after listening to  what the king daughter said Janaki starts tearing   up and she lets her all emotions take the best  of her she says this to King’s

Daughter all of   you have taken such good care of me and have given me everything that I could ever need in any lifetime   but somehow I feel that something is missing in  my life and I think it is because of my old house   if you could ask the king to arrange for me to  visit my old house just for 4 days I would be   glad and I shall promise to come back soon will  you please do this for me after listening towards   what Janaki said King’s Daughter immediately  goes to the king and narrates everything that   has occurred until then she says like this to King  father you have given everything you can for that   m’am but she still doesn’t seem happy ever since  she entered my Palace

I don’t think she has been   happy at all I think she misses her own house  maybe we should send her back maybe that is the   only thing that can make her feel happy again the  King was surprised to hear what his daughter said   then King said this even I don’t know what to do  anymore every time I see her being sad I Tred to   do the best to make her happy but it seems like  nothing is making her happy so I think it is the   best we send her back to her own house so that  she will be so happy the king immediately makes   arrangements to his soldiers to take Janaki back  to

her old house King says to his daughter but   one thing I don’t understand what does she have  to worry about anymore I seriously want to   understand what she is going through I have an  idea Father why don’t you take your disguise and   go towards your house and see what she’s doing  since the time she gets into her whole house so   that you will know what is happening yes you  are right I have to figure out what she   is going through I shall go there in my disguise  once again to see what is happening the King was   very curious to see what is going to happen

he  sees Janaki getting into her old house she walks very eagerly towards her house happily takes a  broomstick and cleans all over the house she   takes a mat and lays it down on the floor she then  sleeps on the top of the mat and says this   to herself finally I am back into my own house  and I feel much safer and peaceful it is very   true what the old people have said before that  being in a golden cage is no better than being   in a tiny Hut

you need the freedom to be a human  being I never would like to go back to that place   again this is the life that I want to live the  king finally gets to understand what Janaki needs in order to be happy she values her freedom  and she valued her happiness more than anything in   her life she understood what makes her happy even  though she

had everything that is needed in the   king’s Palace janaki needed her Freedom King and then left for the Palace if you like this story