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how to learn english through story Bhairavakona

how to learn english through story Bhairavakona
how to learn english through story Bhairavakona

how to learn english through story Bhairavakona

mdsseducation.nethow to learn english through story Bhairavakona once upon a time there lived a farmer named Raja Raja had three sons their names were rabati Raga and rajar Rama One Fine Day Raja called all his three sons and he said this to them as I am getting older you guys are in your young age it is time for all three of you to get married and I’m also willing to share my properties with all three of you I want all three of you to leave the house right now and find the suitable wife for you but under

how to learn english through story Bhairavakona
how to learn english through story Bhairavakona

one condition none of them should know that you are from a rich family and the wife that you acquire should also be rich if you fulfill this condition and bring home a suitable wife I shall split my properties with all three of you after listening to what Raja said the eldest son ragati goes to his father to ask permission to leave his house Your

english through story Bhairavakona

Enthusiasm has proven that you are indeed the first son here take this money it will be useful for your journey and take some food as well it will be very helpful when you are hungry as ragati was living to find a suitable wife for himself sitting under a tree was Kaya he was looking at ragati as he was very lonely and he calls ragati towards him

hey young man where are you going why don’t you come over here for a minute if you can come over here and spend time with me we both can play a game and end it soon after after listening to what kitaya said ragati BEC suspicious and he thought to himself this seems like a good idea if I play the game with this man and if I earn the money

through gambling I would be easily able to get married to a beautiful woman this seems right ragati went to play gambling with that man and unfortunately he lost all his money he was really upset about losing all the money that he had so he went away near a river to sit there and eat while he was sitting there to eat and very ugly women walks

towards him named shamala she looks at dagabi and says this sir I’m very hungry could you please give me some food I’m starving there is no problem I shall give you a little bit of what I eat come and sit with me both of them start eating the food and they enjoy it shamal all of a sudden looks at dagabi and she says this I would like to ask you who

are are you and what are you planning to do while you’re here I’m here to marry a very beautiful and rich woman that is my goal I have no other intentions then why don’t you marry me I’m also a princess we will be a good fit ragati looks at the girl and he laughs very loudly he uncontrollably loves and he says this to shamala this is totally a joke are

you playing with me my wife has to be beautiful and Rich you are neither beautiful nor do you look rich don’t talk such rubbish things if you know any woman that is both beautiful and Wealthy you please let me know otherwise you can leave right away okay after listening to what Dr said shamala becomes very upset and she says this to him fine I

shall help you if you go down this path in a straight line you would reach a huge house that has been filled with CBS and it looks ancient near that house there is a cave once you go down that cave you would be able to find two beautiful Angelic princesses if you can marry one of them it would be fitting the description of the wife that you

prefer I challenge you to try that rupadi listens to what shamala said and during sunset he goes towards the cave to find the PATH while he reached the cave on time he tries to open the door that is outside the cave but the door is not opening he knocks as much as he can but it seems to be of no use Rupa says to himself what is this I’m knocking the

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door for such a long time yet nobody is opening there is no response here what should I do now I guess I have to listen to what shamla said and I have to use a Bell to open the door I better get to that rabadi immediately hits the bell and hashin hits the Bell the door opens once rakab goes inside he is unable to find anybody at he sees statues of

an entire family man and a few women rabati looks at those statues and says this wow how mous are these statues the man that must have made these statues must be such a great artist I wonder who it is as du was admiring the statues at the time a huge sound Was Heard behind him who are you what are you doing here what do you want after

listening to what the sound said ragab become very afraid he turned back and he saw an old lady and old women dressing in black is standing there very Fierce they have a magic stick in their hand seeing them he scared he said this to the older lady I am here to marry a very beautiful princess which is why I have come from a long way if there

is any beautiful princess please let me know fine I shall give you a beautiful princess to marry but for that you need to answer three questions my first question is what is deeper than the ocean what is the sharper than a throne and tell me what is more honorable than food rber was unable to answer them the old lady came towards ragadi and she hit

him with the stuff that she had in her hand ragab immediately turned into a statue after a week the Second Son went out to find a wife for himself he also met the same man that dropy met and the man challenged the second son to gamble with him but the second son Drago did not know how to gamble but I don’t know how to play gamble but if

you still insist you can take off of the money that I have I have to go on my own way after listening what Drago said The Gambler Kaya then immediately blessed dragov and he said this to him I bless you my friend the only thing more honorable than food is the blessings that you get from men like me Rago immediately goes near the river bed and he opens up his foot that he had to eat just like his brother did at that moment the very ugly lady named shamala

visits as well she looks at him and says this I am very hungry is it possible that you can give me food no problem if you are hungry you may eat I don’t have any problem with that at that moment shamala looks at Drago and asked the same question that she asked to rabati ragav said this I’m here to explore the land and find a beautiful and Rich

princess to marry that is a great idea I am also a princess will you marry me after listening to what shamala said could not believe her and he looked at her and said this even if you are a princess why would I marry such an ugly woman like you if my beauty is not enough for you I shall point you to a place where you might find a lot of beautiful

princesses if you’re capable you might marry them after listen listening to what shamala said ragav goes to the same part that his brother went he knocks the cave door and he enters in and as soon as he sees the statue of his brother he becomes very afraid he looks at the Statue and says this oh my brother what has happened why are you a statue who

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turned you as a statue immediately the old lady enters the room and ask the same question to ragav that she asked for rabati as well ragav confidently looks at the old lady lady and says this oh yeah I don’t know all the answers to your questions but I know the answer to the question of what is more honorable than food but somehow I’m not able

to remember it right now after listening what dragov said the old lady starts walking towards Rago and Rago tries to run away from the cave but the old lady hits him with the stuff that she had in her hand and turned him into a statue as well 2 months later rajaram leaves the home to find a suitable wife for him on the way he also visits the grambler

kitaya sitting under the tree and he says this sir I’m from a very poor family the money that I have is very important to me you can play the game that you want but you won’t be able to play it with me I’m not interested in gambling I shall leave right away so please don’t force me sir immediately rajaram gives away all the money he had to the

grambler and the camer looks at him with a smile and blesses him I bless you you are a very blessed person the only thing more honorable than foot is blessings The Gambler went ahead in his own path and rajaram left towards the

river bed to eat his food at the same time shamala entered the river bir and she asked the same question that she had asked the previous Brothers I’m very hungry is it okay if I eat a little bit from your food hunger is sharper than a thorn I know the pain of hunger you can eat as much you want rajaram said this after a while shamala asked the

same questions that she asked the other two brothers what is the purpose of your journey our father had sent all three of us to find our own lives and marry the woman that we want to I guess both of my brothers are already married right now so this is what I’m doing as well now it is my turn so that I’m going this way after listening to every

that rajaram said shamala said this to him shall we do something then now why don’t you marry me I am also a princess we will be a good fate rajaram thought about it for a while and he said this are you serious I would be more than happy to marry a princess like yourself it is a privilege take me to your house I shall talk to your relatives and I

shall marry you okay then all my family members are in a very old Bangla you can go there and wait there for me I shall come there after a while there you can talk with my family members shamala tells rajaram about the same place she sent both of his brothers to after telling him exactly where it is shamala says this to him I want I want you to remember this I’m truly in love with you my love is deeper than any ocean rajaram also reaches the same place that

his brothers went to as soon as he enters the cave he sees two of his brothers as statues he becomes very scared and he says this oh my brothers what has happened to both of you our parents think that you both have been married and are living a great life but both of you are statues right now the old lady enters the cave immediately she looks at

him and says this who are you why are you here and what do you want after hearing the question rajaram responds fiercely firstly who are you and why have you come here why did you turn my brothers into your statue why are you doing such cruel things oh are these men your brothers both of them came here to get married I asked them three

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questions and they were unable to answer that which is why I turned them into statues what are the questions that you asked them fine if I’m able to answer those questions will you let my brothers go I shall do that in a second but firstly you must have to ask answer all the three questions what is deeper than the ocean what is sharper than a thron

and what is more honorable than food oh these are the questions love is deeper than the ocean hunger is sharper than a thorn and blessings are more honorable than food rajaram answers all the questions efficiently fine since I have answered all the questions please let my brothers go fine I shall let them go but you have to do one last favor in

order for me to save your brothers all right tell me what you want all right Marry Me Not only do I let your brothers go I will also let everybody who are St you in this cave the old lady says this and rajaram says fine I shall marry you immediately but there is one condition my father told whoever that I marry should marry amidst the fire you make arrangements for that I shall marry you right away fine we shall get married in the way you want to marry just wait

for a minute I will arrange for that the old lady takes her staff and hits it on the ground and immediately a bonfire is created rajaram says this we both have to Circle this bonfire seven times in order for the completion of our wedding show me your hand at the time the old lady showed the hands towards rajaram rajaram picked up the the staff and

broke into pieces and put it in the fire the old lady vanished into a thin air and all the statues become people again rajaram’s two brothers and the entire family who will statues were now brought back to life they all were very happy at that moment beautiful lady from outside the cave enters the cave and reunites with her family and all of them

shared happy tears the women goes towards rajaram along with her family and says this to rajaram this is the man that saved my life and all of our Lives I want to marry this man right away shamala said this to rajaram and rajaram says no no I have promised another princess that I’m going to marry her I cannot break the promise that I have given

to her I’m so sorry the women was none other than shamala but rajaram couldn’t recognize that that woman is very ugly woman why do you want to marry her why don’t you marry me am I not pretty the woman that I’m about to marry might not be as pretty as you but she loves me that is all I needed for this lifetime fine you can marry her and

marry me as well if you refuse me I will destroy your life don’t you have any shame you might be pretty but you have no heart she is the reason why I was able to save all of you if she didn’t direct me here I wouldn’t be here that is me I

am that ugly woman shamala I was a princess year before but this evil old lady came and destroyed our lives and turned my family into stone while I escaped from her she couldn’t turn me into stone but she made my face very ugly

and my father is a king of the city this is our Palace after listening to what shamala said rajaram was very happy and few days later the king took his three daughters to his kingdoms he got his three daughters and gave married to all three of them so rajaram’s good intentions humanis and his skills family to Old Wich SK byona Palace May everyone

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