
Life LIne English Moral Story – how to learn english through story – Stories in English

Life LIne English Moral Story
Life LIne English Moral Story

Life LIne English Moral Story – how to learn english through story – Stories in English – in a Land of Ki puram there was a man named  ramayya who was very well-known businessman he  would work on his business all day and it earned  him the name of very rich person One Fine Day his   childhood friend krishnaa came to visit him in his  house Ramaya was very happy to see krishnaa and he   said this to him how are you Krishna it’s been  a long time since I have seen you I am not able   to see you nowadays what

Life LIne English Moral Story
Life LIne English Moral Story

to do my friend life has  changed drastically I was only concentrating on my   business for the benefit of my family I have to  now Focus about raising my children and getting   them all married not only I got time to meet you  in person but you look exactly the same as you   were before you are more Rich than you have ever  been I have heard that you are a very important   person in this town can I know how you are doing  all of it what is the secret to your

success my   friend yes you’re right somehow by the grace of  God I have been lucky enough to run my business   since my business has seen a lot of profits we  have been able to make a lot of money regarding   my children I have

Life LIne English Moral Story

got all of them married and  I have brought my sons-in-law in my house with   me and they are also helping in my finances we  all live together as a joint family what is you   say joint family a join family is a very risky  situation to be in as I have been in one before   because my grandfather was a very rich man and  until he was rich the entire family stayed with   him but as soon as his business fell away and  he started losing money each and every one of   them in

my family left immediately after that  my grandfather also passed away my grandfather   always reminded me no no matter what people will  only stay with you if they have something to Ray   on always do not let them know about your finances  and how much money you have I just thought about   this when you told me that you are living in  a joint family make sure to be very careful my   friend this is my humble request and advice my  friend why would you speak like that everybody   in my family are great people they would even die  for me don’t worry too much my friend

okay it’s   okay leave it I am happy as long as you are happy  that is what is more important please be safe and   healthy I shall go back to my Village it was nice  to see you Krishna immediately left away from the   house and it was well-known fact that Ramaya was  very generous man when it comes to his family   members but he was also extremely stingy when it  come to people who are not his family members One   Fine Day a priest visited raya’s house and he said  this to him sir I’m very hungry I’m in D need of   some food please give me some food for the day  you’ll

be blessed after listening to what priest   said to Ramaya he gets very upset he sees the  priest and he says like this why are all these   kind of people coming in front of my house does  this look like some kind of shrine where I give   free Fruit to people you seem like a thief who  might steal some something I want you to leave   sir by the grace of

God you have been given so  much wealth it is now your turn to give back to   the poor and needy if you give back some food for  me it will be very beneficial for you in your life   and one more thing if I were a thief why would  I be standing in front of you to beg for food   don’t you think I could just come at the middle  of the night and steal from

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you wow you don’t   have an ounce of food in your belly head you can  talk like this do you think God gave me all this   so that I can feed a desperate man like you  after both of them kept arguing for a while   Ramaya immediately ordered his servants to  throw the priest away from his house but   priest adamantly fed back and said that he would  only leave after he receives the food Ramaya sees   the priest standing outside of his house and he  says this to him your stubbornness has led you to   this situation you poor beggar of a man who has  you to be so adamant in what

you want I told you   to leave and you could not leave now if you want  to stay outside of my house that is your choice   but I will not give you a single plate of food the  priest stayed outside of his house for next 3 days   with no food or water as he was standing in front  of his house raya’s wife Raja notices this and she   goes to him and says this

what is your problem  why can’t you just give what the priest asked   all he asked was for a plate of food we have so  much food in our house that it won’t matter to   us if we don’t give this to him he might start  cursing as soon and it might land us in trouble   you have to understand if we start give this man  food then every single beggar in the street

will   start coming at our house to eat our food and  then slowly our entire wealth will be eaten   Away by these poor Beggars and you and and your  children would have to start with the road like   them as well this will not be tolerated

at all  and I will not answer questions like this from   you anymore got it Ramaya became really upset  and he built a huge gate around the wall so the   priest cannot enter after a few days priest  leaves the house ramayya becomes very happy   ramayya immediately calls his wife and he wants  to share that the priest has left from their   house look I told you right he would leave in  a few days as I said he had left and now we do   not have to worry about any curse

whatsoever  Raja listens to what her husband said and she   does not respond at all after a few days when the  gate is opened the priest immediately comes back   and he starts begging for food ramayya looks  at this he gets very upset and says like this   what is this why is the priest following me all  the time go and ask him what does he need I need   to get rid of this man ramay sends the servant to  the priest listening to ramayya bimma goes to the   priest and he

says this priest may know why do you  keep coming here my honor has already told you to   leave us he does not want to give you any food why  do you keep coming here is the question that would   I was supposed to ask you after listening to what  the servant said priest laughed a little bit and   he said this to the servant I haven’t come here to

take any food from him I have come here to speak   to him for a while so you please go and tell him  that it is very important to meet him the servant   goes in narrates everything that the priest said  to ramayya Ramaya listens to it and he replies   to beima like this I don’t have time for all that  nonsense I might only be free by 6 months if he is

still available in that 6mon Gap then we can meet  meet and talk go and tell him the servant goes and   tells what Ramaya said to priest the priest  agrees to it and he comes back exactly after   6 months every time he would come back Ramaya  would give an excuse and extend the time after   an entire year finally Ramaya gave up telling  him to postpone and he asked him to come and   talk to him ramayya was really upset he doesn’t  know what to do so he prepared himself to talk   to priest finally now why don’t you tell me what  your problem is why are you so stubborn I

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always   tell you to leave it you still come back what is  that you still want sir I have been waiting for   a year to tell you this in order to save you all  these years you have been blinded by the love of   your family now what I would tell you

is the only  thing that would help you to save your life from   now onwards please listen to it very carefully  after listening what the priest said to ramayya   Ramaya then laughs and he says this I guess you  have come all this way and waited all this time   to tell me to leave all my family and loved  ones right is that why you wasted my time the   priest immediately took Ramaya to the side and he  showed something to him in the lawn of his land   the priest

looks at Ramaya and he says this sir  please listen to me you see those men out there   they are nothing but vultures for you they will  stick with you as long long as you have money   but as soon as you stop providing for them they  will come you and rap you apart from shred   so please be careful with everyone if you don’t  believe me I am more than willing to prove it to   you right now after listening to what the priest  said Ramaya looks at the priest and he says this   to the priest all these people over here are there  not for my money but for my love and affection but   I will give

you the chance to prove me otherwise  since you have asked me for a long time go ahead   prove that these people are here just for  my money and I would agree your assessment   the priest immediately goes to him and he gives  an idea

to ramayya after a few days Ramaya gets   very ill and he gets bedridden he immediately  calls his wife rajia in an unbearable pain he   then says like this to rajia I think I’m going to  die very soon my chest hurts very badly I haven’t   done a single good thing for anybody in my entire  life if I keep going like this I don’t think I   will reach salvation please look after the kids  and take care of them raya’s wife becomes very   scared and she goes and brings a doctor

the doctor  looks at raya’s body and he doesn’t know what to   do he tells he cannot help in releves immediately  all the son-in-laws entered the room and they are   sad oh Uncle we don’t know what to do now you’re  the one who was guiding us and helping us through   our lives now without you we don’t know what to  do we were trusting you what shall we do now the   second son-in-law answers I don’t know what to do  now death is a part of our life but it should not   come right now immediately the priest comes into  the room with a glass of milk he takes the glass   of milk and

he looks at the son-in-laws and he  says this please listen of you be patient I have   come here to save your father-in-law I have the  special medicine that can heal him any which way   possible but in order for that to happen I need  you people to do me a favor there is a medicine   in the Himalayas that is required for us to heal  him if any of you are interested you should let   me know so that I can try my level best to save  your father-in-law after hearing what the priest   said both the relatives are confused and they do  not say a word immediately raya’s wife responds   to the

priest and she says this sir please help  me we shall do whatever you can please find the   medicine that you should find in order to save my  husband when she said like that the priest looked   at the wife and he said this to her as you

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know in  order to Save a Life another life is required to   be honest with you in order to save your husband’s  life there should be one of you that should be   willing to make the sacrifice in order for me  to save your husband’s life so please be ready   to sacrifice your life what what do you mean by  sacrifice could you please explain to me properly   because I don’t understand what you are saying  why are you so hurry please wait I will tell you   in order for you to

save your father-in-law one of  your family member must drink the medicine that I   have in my hand if you drink that you would die  immediately and your father-in-law will get up   and he would live a little longer your sacrifice

would mean the existence of your father-in-law   hope you understand that after listening to  what the priest said both the brothers move   away in fear immediately priest notices this and  he says this to them okay then please tell me now   I need you people to do me a favor if any of you  are interested you should let me know so that I   can try my level best to save your father-in-law  so whoever loves your father-in-law a lot please   come forward and drink this

medicine in order to  sacrifice your life and save your father-in-law’s   life after listening to what the priest said both  the brother-in-law do not do anything they kept   quiet priest wait for a while and he says this  rajal laki madam what happened to you none of you   are willing to save the man that gave everything  you have not one of you you want to come forward   to sacrifice your life for him is this the love  that you have for the man that gave everything   to you is there no one here that love him truly  everybody listens to what the priest said and they   do not say a single word

priest immediately looks  at them and he says this to them oh God all this   poor man is going to die and go to heaven without  anyone there being alive to save him this is a   sad end to such a great man that has done so many  things for the people around him I did not expect   this at all no one is willing to sacrifice their  life all of a sudden Ramaya wakes up as he was   pretending to be like he was sick ramayya looks at  both of his relatives and he looks at priest and   says this when ramayya suddenly stood up everybody  there was very much shocked they really didn’t

understand what was happening there then ramayya  told this please I have finally understood my   mistakes in life all my life I thought my family  was the most important thing but now I know they   are nothing but selfish people that are here to  take away from me now I’m going to use my money   to hit the poor people around me and not just only  for my family thanks for making me understand this   is what life is all about Ramaya your family  might be your family but at the end of the day   the entire world is one big family if you’re not  able to look after a person yet

look after your   friends and family then you are not a human  being at all you should be capable of helping   everyone and anyone if you have the means to do  so this is what I have been waiting to tell you   for an entire year from that day onwards Ramya  took away everything he had from his relatives   and gave away to his poor people he only kept his  sons and his wife with him and he drove away all   the relatives out of his house he had learned a  lesson from this